Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Teens group. Practice. B1+


Complete the sentences with shall / going to / will or the present continuous.
Example: I’m sure that Jess will help (help) you with your work.
1   A  I ________ (go) into town this afternoon. ________ (I / go) to the supermarket on my way back?
     B  Yes, we need bread, milk and some fruit.
     A  OK. I ________ (get) all that, and some eggs, too.
2   A  I heard on the radio that the weather ________ (be) excellent this weekend.
     B  That’s good, because my parents ________ (come) to stay with me.
3   A  I went to see Cloud Atlas yesterday at the cinema. It’s excellent.
     B  Oh good. I ________ (see) it tomorrow.
     A  I think you ________ (love) it.

Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets.

Example: We’re meeting (meet) Bob outside the cinema at 7.30.
1   Paolo ________ (buy) a new car next week.
2   I ________ (need) a lot of sleep at the moment so I can concentrate on my exams.
3   We hardly ever ________ (eat) together as a family.
4   Hi, Beth. Sorry, I can’t talk right now. I ________ (drive).
5   You look very serious! What ________ (think) about?
6   I know that Carlos ________ (hate) me! He never says anything nice to me.
7   I ________ (have) dinner with my younger brother at 8.00 tonight.

     Complete the dialogues. Use the verbs in brackets in the present perfect simple or the past simple.
Example: I’ve been to Beijing, but I’ve never been (not / go) to Shanghai.
Petra      1________ (you / remember) to pay that cheque into the bank?
Alan       Yes, it went in this morning.

Tom       2________ (you / ever / borrow) anyone’s car?
Dave      Yes, I borrowed my brother’s and I crashed it!

Anna      Hi, can I speak to Sally, please?
Beth       I’m sorry, she 3________ (just / go) out.

Doctor    What seems to be the problem?
John       I 4________ (fall) over playing volleyball. I think I 5________ (break) my finger.

Peter      How long 6________ (you / know) Mike?
Liz         Well, we 7________ (meet) in 2008 and we’ve been good friends ever since.

2   Underline the correct word or phrase.

Example: You’ve been working / worked hard for months – you need a holiday.
1   How long have you been saving up / do you save up for a motorbike?
2   He’s learning / been learning Chinese for three years now.
3   I’ve been planning / planned my visit to the Amazon for years.
4   She’s known / been knowing him for years.
5   Don’t worry. I haven’t been crying / cried – I’ve got a cold.
6   He’s disliked / been disliking bananas since he was a child.
7   I’ve had / been having the same bank account since I was a student.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of can, could, or be able to.
Example: We were so hungry we couldn’t wait for dinner, so we ordered pizza.
1   I ________ swim when I was five. My dad taught me.
2   We’re very sorry but we ________ attend the wedding. We’ll be on holiday.
3   Would you like ________ play a musical instrument?
4   He opened his present before his birthday because he ________ wait!
5   After living here for four months, I ________ understand a lot of Greek now.
6   ________ you lend me a pen, please? I’ve forgotten mine.
7   I’ve never ________ sing well, but my brother has a beautiful voice.
8   I ________ read this menu without my glasses. Can you read it to me, please?
9   We’re free tonight, so we’ll ________ come and help you if you like.
10   My sister ________ ride a horse since she was four!

2   Complete the sentences with have to, don’t have to, must, mustn’t, should, or shouldn’t.
Example: We’ll have to leave early tomorrow morning.
1   I always ________ stand up on the train because there are no seats.
2   You really ________ eat in class, but I’ll let you do it this time.
3   Where do you think we ________ stay in London? In a hotel or a B&B?
4   There’s a lot of rubbish in that lake. You ________ swim in it!
5   You ________ pay to get into that museum – it’s free.
6   We ________ leave early in the morning if we want to get home before dark.
7   It’s a great film. You really ________ go and see it.
8   Great! It’s a holiday tomorrow – we ________ go to work.
9   You ________ drive on the right in Europe (except in the UK).
10   Do we ________ get up early tomorrow?

Complete the dialogues with must, can’t, or might.
Example: They must be out. Nobody’s answering the phone.
1   ‘I finally passed my driving test!’
     ‘Congratulations! You ________ be really pleased.’
2   ‘Is Mario in his office?’
     ‘I’m not sure. He ________ be in a meeting. I’ll just go and look.’
3   ‘Debbie’s just run 20km. She’s training for a marathon.’
     ‘Really? She ________ be exhausted.’
4   ‘Look, Lola’s left her bag here.’
     ‘It ________ be Lola’s – her bag is brown.’
5   ‘I think he ________ be Swedish with a name like Lundt.’
     ‘Yes, he sounds a bit Swedish too.’
6   ‘You’re getting married to Patrick? You ________ be serious!’
     ‘No, really, I am!’
7   ‘I believe Jim and Barbara are away in Spain this week.’
     ‘They ________ be. I’ve just seen Jim in his garden.’
8   ‘I thought you ________ like to borrow this book. It’s really funny.’
     ‘Oh, thanks. I was planning to buy that soon.’

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