Saturday, November 30, 2019

Reading time 2. Teens Group

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  • After reading each chapter, write in a comment box, your reflections. 
What are the general and specific conclusions that you have made?

  • Write new words and phrases in your Vocabulary notebook :) 

After reading this book:

Write a  Book Review

Note: You don't have to answer every question -- they're suggestions!

Points to think about:
  • What was the story about?
  • Who were the main characters?
  • Were the characters credible?
  • What did the main characters do in the story?
  • Did the main characters run into any problems? Adventures?
  • Who was your favorite character? Why?
Your personal experiences
  • Could you relate to any of the characters in the story?
  • Have you ever done or felt some of the things, the characters did?
Your opinion
  • Did you like the book?
  • What was your favorite part of the book?
  • Do you have a least favorite part of the book?
  • If you could change something, what would it be? (If you wish you could change the ending, don't reveal it!)
Your recommendation
  • Would you recommend this book to another person?
  • What type of person would like this book?


  1. Luka's reflection _ "Ariadne's story" is a book based on greek mythology.In the first chapter we get to know the characters of this book.Ariadne is a princess of Crete, her father is a very powerful king, Minos.Ariadne is a smart girl she is a student of Dedalos who is a greek philosopher.She studies with she's sister and two other boys.One of them is smart and funny. Ariadne love's to talk with him, but she's father doesn't want Ariadne to fall in love with Enarus.So he tells Ariadne to get away from him.Ariadne secretly goes with Enarus but she is cought by she's father.Chapter finishe's with ariadne getting called by she's father

    1. reflection is good! Pay attention to these points:

      *She studies with HER sister
      *Ariadne loveS to
      * HER father doesn't
      *Chapter finisheS

  2. Mariam's reflection _ Chapter 1
    This chapter is about a story of Minotaur, it's based off of the Greek mythology, about a king Minos of island Crete, who was the son of Zeus and Europa. The main characters of this story are: Ariadne, the narrator, and Enarus. In the first chapter, characters already face some problems and now they have to think about the solutions, that will help them to solve these problems. I love Greek mythology and most likely i will love this story as well

  3. Nice!
    Take into account this:

    *it's based ON

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. 2-3 chapters
    In these two chapters we meet a new character. His name is Theseus, his very strong and he cares for his people. Ariadne wasn't fond of him at first, but she figured it would be better for them to work together. I like Ariadnes character, she's very smart and brave .She has a lot of fight in her and I like the fact that she isn't satisfied with her life as a princess and wants to experience new things in life. She believes that true love exists and she is willing to sacrifice a lot for this matter. I like that she thought of tieing a golden thread to the door handle of the labyrinth.

  6. 5th chapter
    in this chapter Phedra, Ariadne,Theseus and his crew members are running towards the ship which Dedalus prepared for them.The ship wich they were intending to escape with, had darker sail then the other ships.Ariadne noticed the ship with the black sail and quickly ran towards it, Phedra, Theseus and his crew members also followed.They relised the ship and started to sail.Strangely warm wind started to blow, it was very unlikley event for this season.Suddenly the grund started shaking and the houses started to crumble.It would seem that the gods were angry with king Minos.The screams of people was getting more and more intense, but the waves and the wind wouldnt stop.The ship
    was sailing faster then ever, apparently father of Theseus was Poseidon god of seas, who was helping them ascape.Phedra started to cry, this was getting serious, it wasnt any game that Phedra imagined.The other day averyone was exhausted and hungry.They found food and weater on the ship Theseus thanked Ariadne, but it was all because of Dedalus that they ascaped, but Ariadne was too tired to explain.They could still hear the screams comming from the place once called Cretta.The fire was still blazing and the castle where Ariadne and Phedra lived was crumbled.

  7. 5th chapter
    In fifth chapter Ariadne, Theseus, Phedra and Athenians run away from Crete. I really enjoyed reading this chapter. A lot has changed since the beginning of this story; characters become more mature as the story develops. I think, Phedra changed a lot, from a stubborn little girl to a brave and obedient young woman. Even Ariadne is surprised by her development in character.
    Also relationship between Theseus and Ariadne is becoming more and more friendly. At first Ariadne didn't like Theseus, but now she realized that he is a hero and a kindhearted person. In my opinion, they will develop even stronger feelings toward each other.

  8. 6-7 chapters
    In these two chapters events developed so much.when they were in the sea phedra saw the was kalliste. In kalliste they bought some food and more water. They didn’t stay there,because adriane couldn’t wait to see Enarus. Theseus got angry. He shouted to Phedra and his friends to come in boat and they left Kalliste. Then they went to Naxos. Theseus went with his friends to buy a new white sail for the boat. Adriane and Phedra went to find Enarus. Adriane thought that the temple of Dionysus was the best place to look for Enarus. She was right, because when they arrived at the temple she saw a small garden. Someone was sitting there alone. It was Enarus. When they saw each other they became so happy. Then Adriane talked to Enarus. She told him everything. After some time they went at the harbour. Theseus was waiting there and looking for them angrily. When he saw Adriane, Phedra and Enarus suddenly he looked more unhappy than angry. Then Adriane and Enarus explained to Theseus everything. Then they all went to temple to eat. The priests gave them a wonderful meal and somewhere to sleep. Next day before they met at harbour Adriane told Enarus that she didn’t want to be princess anymore,she wanted to stay with him. They went at harbour. Then Adriane told Theseus that she was going to stay in Naxos,but Phedra wanted to go with Theseus. Theseus didn’t like what Adriane said . So without talking he said to phedra that it was the time to go . They went in boat and sailed away.
    These two characters were so interesting. I really enjoyed reading them .

  9. 6
    6 chapter
    Ariadne wakes up on the boat where she sees Theseus and Phedra quietly talking to each other.Theseus gives Ariadne food and water and tells her that she could eat as much as she wanted, because they would soon arrive in Kalliste.Ariadne still had her neckless and Theseus had some gold in his cloak, so they were not worried about food and water.Theseus tells Ariadne and Phedra that his father was waiting for him in Athenes and they could also stay there, but Ariadne refuses.Theseus was also conserned about the black sail of the boat, because he told his father that if he would see a ship with a black sail it meant that theseus was dead.Ariadne got tired and went to sleep Phedras voice woke her up, it would seem that they arrived at Kalliste.Theseus once again asked Ariadne why she wanted to go to Nexos, Ariadne got angry and reminded Theseus about the labirinth.Suddenly Theseus yelled at Phedra he said that they were going to Nexos.

  10. 8th chapter
    In this chapter Ariadne marries Enarus and They have two kids: Artemisia and Orestes.Theseus becomes a king, but sadly his father passes away. Theseuses second wife becomes Phedra, but they are unhappy and soon Phedra kills her self.
    I think, this chapter had the most plot twists out of all of them and it kind of made me sad. I feel very sorry for Theseus. In my opinion, he never got over Ariadne. The only one that was satisfied with the life that they lived was Ariadne. Not even her sister, who married the man of her dreams was happy at the end. I thought I already knew how this story was gonna end, but I was mistaken. This story caught me off guard. I wasn't expecting so many deaths.

  11. 7-8 chapter
    Ariadne and Theseus finally arrived at Naxos.There they decide to split, Ariadne and Phedra go to find Enarus, Theseus goes to buy a white sail.Ariadne finds Enarus in the temple of Dionysus, sitting below an orange tree.They start talking about Crete and their plans in the future when Phedra decides to go with Theseus because she "loved" him.They argue about this decision,but in the end they decide to let Phedra go with Theseus.
    Ariadne and Theseus meet each other at noon as they had planned. Theseus isnt happy about Enarus and Ariadne being togather and after ensuring that both Ariadne and Phedra were safe he goes back to the boat.Than Ariadne and Phedra talk to each other, after that Ariadne finally agrees on Phedras decision and lets her go with Theseus.
    The boat started to sail away, but there was no white sail on it, suddenly a man with white sail appared Ariadne knew what was going on. She bought the white sail, with her necless and got on a little boat, but it was too late Theseus'es ship was now far away.After a while Enarus and Ariadne got married and had two kids, Artemisa and Orestes.
    They were both happy and free, some people told Ariadne thet she was a bad mother for giving them this much space, but Ariadne didnt listen to them because she knew what it was like to be constantly controlled.Ariadnes chillderen were free and intelligent.Ariadne had laundry's to do and food to make, but in a way she was free.Theseus father jumped in water after he saw the blak sailed boat.Theseus became a king and created a powerful country, he had a good wife and a child.But soon after the wife died.after that Theseus married Phedra, but she also died, because she couldnt get over Theseuses first child and killed herself.Ariadne renamed herself as Sofia, wich means the "wise one", because she thought she was wise to choose a better life.After that 20 years passed Sofia was happy and she loved her family.
