Sunday, November 10, 2019

Practice: Revision. B1

Image result for GOOD LUCK

1   Underline the correct form.
Example:     We usually get up / get up usually early every morning.
1   Jake is taking / takes vitamins every day.
2   Clare buys a lot of takeaways, but I prefer / I’m preferring home-made food.
3   Do you watch / Are you watching the football match tomorrow night?
4   I don’t usually have / I’m not usually having dessert, but I’ll have one tonight.
5   Helen doesn’t work / isn’t working tomorrow, so we’re meeting for lunch.
6   In the summer, we often cycle / we’re often cycling to work.

2   Complete the sentences with shall / going to / will or the present continuous.
Example:     I’m sure that Jess will help (help) you with your work.
1   A  I ________ (go) into town this afternoon. ________ (I / go) to the supermarket on my way back?
     B  Yes, we need bread, milk and some fruit.
     A  OK. I ________ (get) all that, and some eggs, too.
2   A  I heard on the radio that the weather ________ (be) excellent this weekend.
     B  That’s good, because my parents ________ (come) to stay with me.
3   A  I went to see Cloud Atlas yesterday at the cinema. It’s excellent.
     B  Oh good. I ________ (see) it tomorrow.
     A  I think you ________ (love) it.

3   Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets.
Example:     We’re meeting (meet) Bob outside the cinema at 7.30.
1   Paolo ________ (buy) a new car next week.
2   I ________ (need) a lot of sleep at the moment so I can concentrate on my exams.
3   We hardly ever ________ (eat) together as a family.
4   Hi, Beth. Sorry, I can’t talk right now. I ________ (drive).
5   You look very serious! What ________ (think) about?
6   I know that Carlos ________ (hate) me! He never says anything nice to me.
7   I ________ (have) dinner with my younger brother at 8.00 tonight.


Grammar total


4   Underline the odd word out.
Example:     beans   salmon   spicy   sausages
1   spicy   jar   fresh   frozen
2   duck   lamb   chicken   beans
3   cherry   cabbage   pepper   cucumber
4   grilled   roast   boiled   raw
5   crab   squid   beef   prawn
6   frozen   low-fat   tinned   cook

6   Complete the sentences with the correct word.
Example: Jim’s really shy. He hates meeting new people.
shy   sensitive   extroverted
1   Sergio is so ________ for his age! He seems much older than 14.
     competitive   sensitive   mature
2   Vicky can seem like a different person on different days – she’s very ________.
     sensible   moody   mean
3   You should think about how other people feel instead of being so ________!
     spoilt   independent   selfish
4   In sport, boys are often more ________ than girls. They always want to win.
     bossy   competitive   reliable
5   Natalia was very ________ tonight. Do you think she’s OK?
     extroverted   confident   quiet
6   She’s just ________ because you got a higher score than her in the test yesterday.
     ambitious   spoilt   jealous
7   Juan is always trying to pay for everything. He’s very ________.
     generous   honest   sensitive


1   Complete the dialogues. Use the verbs in brackets in the present perfect simple or the past simple.
Example:     I’ve been to Beijing, but I’ve never been (not / go) to Shanghai.
Petra     1________ (you / remember) to pay that cheque into the bank?
Alan       Yes, it went in this morning.

Tom       2________ (you / ever / borrow) anyone’s car?
Dave      Yes, I borrowed my brother’s and I crashed it!

Anna      Hi, can I speak to Sally, please?
Beth       I’m sorry, she 3________ (just / go) out.

Doctor   What seems to be the problem?
John      I 4________ (fall) over playing volleyball. I think I 5________ (break) my finger.

Peter      How long 6________ (you / know) Mike?
Liz         Well, we 7________ (meet) in 2008 and we’ve been good friends ever since.

2   Underline the correct word or phrase.
Example:     You’ve been working / worked hard for months – you need a holiday.
1   How long have you been saving up / do you save up for a motorbike?
2   He’s learning / been learning Chinese for three years now.
3   I’ve been planning / planned my visit to the Amazon for years.
4   She’s known / been knowing him for years.
5   Don’t worry. I haven’t been crying / cried – I’ve got a cold.
6   He’s disliked / been disliking bananas since he was a child.
7   I’ve had / been having the same bank account since I was a student.

4   Complete the sentences with the correct word(s).
Example: I’m hoping my boss will raise my salary soon
charge   raise   afford
1   You need to open a business ________ when you start your own business.
     cash machine   bank account   phone bill
2   I think you’ll ________ a lot of money selling clothes in this market.
     do   pay   make
3   Felipe still __________ me the €100 I lent him last month.
     owes   charges   borrows
4   I try to ________ some of my salary every month so that I can go travelling.
     save   afford   cost
5   It’s difficult to get a ________ from a bank during a recession.
     contract   loan   tax
6   He ________ a lot of money from his grandmother when she died last year.
     invested   inherited   took out
7   I’m trying not to ________ money on gadgets I will never use.
     invest   waste   charge
8   My parents ________ me some money so I could buy a car.
     borrowed   owed   lent

5   Complete the sentences with the correct preposition.
Example:     Can I pay by credit card?
1   I’ll lend you the money if you promise to pay it ____ by next month.
2   You really should avoid getting ____ too much debt.
3   I can’t believe how much I spend ____ coffees!
4   For my last birthday my aunt gave me £50 ____ cash.
5   They charged us £10 ____ this theatre programme!

6   Write the synonym.
Example:     very tasty  delicious
1   very funny         ________
2   very ________  positive
3   very angry         ________
4   very ________  starving
5   very frightened  ________
6   very ________  freezing
7   very dirty           ________


Vocabulary total


1   Read the article and tick (ü) A, B, or C.
In 1990, the World Bank published a report showing that there were over a billion people in the world with an income of just one dollar a day. At the start of this century, the United Nations promised to halve this figure by 2015. It has been working hard to keep this promise ever since. A series of short films was made to show what you can buy in different countries with this tiny amount. In a market in Nepal, for example, they could only buy four bananas and a loaf of bread. It was impossible to buy meat or any protein.
Other people have been horrified to learn how enormous the problem is and have taken action in different ways. A UK charity called 1 Dollar a Day has been raising money to invest in projects to improve health, clean water, education, etc. They have also given people loans to help them set up a business as it is difficult to borrow money if you have no bank account.
In the US, two school teachers decided to try spending only one dollar each day on food for a month and have now written a book about their experience. They say they were often starving, and got bored with eating the same food. And they couldn’t afford to buy healthy foods such as fresh fruit and vegetables. The book describes how much rich countries waste, and how they try to save money by buying cheap food from other countries.
The World Bank has recently published another report on how the situation has changed since 1990. One dollar is worth less now, and food and fuel cost more, so it is difficult to work out exactly how much progress there has been. However, there have clearly been some amazing changes. Between 1990 and 2008, the number of people who earned salaries below the poverty line went down from 43% of the developing world to 22%, so the UN has already made a big difference. Of course there is still a huge amount to do to improve the lives of millions of people throughout the world.
Example: More than a billion people _____ one dollar a day in 1990.
A  gave  c    B  earned  cü    C  saved  c
1   In _____ the UN made a promise to cut the poverty figures by half.
     A  2000  c    B  1900  c    C  2015  c
2   In Nepal it costs one dollar to buy _____ and some bread.
     A  cheese  c    B  meat  c    C  a few bananas  c
3   The charity 1 Dollar a Day lends people money to _____.
     A  get water  c    B  start a business  c    C  buy food  c
4   Two school teachers spent one dollar a day on _____.
     A  a book  c    B  vegetables  c    C  eating  c
5   They were often very _____.
     A  tired  c    B  hungry  c    C  healthy  c
6   It wasn’t possible to buy _____ with a dollar.
     A  unhealthy food  c    B  anything  c    C  fruit  c
7   The book shows how much rich countries _____.
     A  throw away  c    B  spend each day  c    C  can afford to buy  c
8   Since 1990, the situation has changed _____.
     A  very little  c    B  not at all  c    C  a surprising amount  c

9   In 2008, _____ of the world’s population was very poor.
     A  43%  c    B  22%  c    Cover a billion  c
10   The writer says we still need to do _____ to help people.
     A  a little  c    B  a lot  c    C  some things  c

2   Read the article again. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).
Example:     The United Nations wants to reduce the number of people who live on one dollar a day.    T  
1   In Nepal, you can buy fruit and bread for one dollar.  _____
2   To borrow money, you have to have a business.  _____
3   1 Dollar a Day wants to improve schools.  _____
4   To save money, rich countries pay lower prices for food from other countries.  _____
5   Food has been less expensive since 1990.  _____


Reading total


1   Listen. Tick (ü) the five sentences that are correct.
1   Helen and her husband moved to the countryside 10 years ago.  c
2   They haven’t changed the house much since they moved in.  c
3   The second photo shows them looking tired and dirty.  c
4   At the beginning they sold apples to their friends.  c
5   They invested money from her husband’s grandfather in the business.  c
6   They started selling apple juice five years ago.  c
7   They have started to make a good income from the business.  c
8   They haven’t been able to spend much money on holidays.  c

2   Listen to five conversations. Tick (ü) A, B, or C.
1   Alice’s friend has _____ her grandmother’s house.
     A  recently sold  c    B  just bought  c    C  just left  c
2   Lisa has been _____ for WaterAid since April.
     A  working  c    B  giving talks  c    C  organizing events  c
3   Kate tells Wendy that her bus _____.
     A  hasn’t arrived yet  c    B  didn’t stop  c    C  has broken down  c
4   The DVDs from the market cost _____ in the shops.
     A  the same as  c    B  less than  c    C  more than  c
5   Chris says that he has _____.
     A  made no changes to his life  c    B  just changed jobs  c    C  lived in another country  c


Listening total