Monday, September 23, 2019

Essay for Teens English Group

Parents should limit the amount of time their teenage children spend online. Do you agree? 

Please write at least 140 words. 

In the first paragraph give your general opinion. 

In the second and third paragraphs give some examples and arguments. 

Make a conclusion.

Image result for kids and gadgets


  1. One importent issue today is teenager's longstanding relationship with gadgets.parents shold limit the amount of time their teenagers spend online.XXI century is a "Termendous development" and In my opinion it is impossible not to be in touch with gadgets,but everything needs a limit.
    Firstly,I agree with the idea that parents should limit the amount af time.For instance my brother has limits with his phone,laptop or X-box.He only has one hour in a day to play sth using gadgets.
    Secondly,school is when children works hard and they get tired ,they need relaxation.For example for me one of the best way to relax is spend time online or after a busy week at school I need to relax,best way for me is to play X-box or watch films on laptop.
    In conclusion,tu sum up if children use gadgets the right way or if it is best way for relaxing,in my opinion it does not need time limit,but if children spend their whole time with gadgets it is the best option that parents limit the amount of time their teenager's spend online.

  2. Developing communication technologies and other electric gadgets is humankind's gratest echievment, or is it?
    In a world, where everybody has access to internet and social media, comunication between people gets easier every day.With electric gadgets, such as:smartphones,computers and tablets comunicating is easier than ever, thats why people prefer to stay home, there is no need to go outside and meet with other people to star a conversation.
    With these electric gadgets new generation, such as teens and kids have entertainment,education and messaging platforms all in one place.Thus spending several hours in cyber space.Statistics show that most of the people who use internet platforms daily are teenagers.It is estimated that average screen time for teenagers is 3 to 4 hours a day.
    More and more parents are concerned about there childrens health and well-being.This fasinating technology let us into this conseqenses.In our era, a lot of people just want to stay home and interfire with there electric devices.This habit works on people negatively, it changes them for the worse.Most of the time it turns people antisocial and adicted to electric devices.On the other side, most of the daily use items are relied on these devices, for instance factory's use robots to make thousands of details, even cars and planes are often oporated with AI(artificial intalligence) assistance.Modern technology is also a source of intelligance.With this people can learn anything from it.It is a library wich stores any kind of books and documents, wich is available to everyone.
    With constant evolving of modern day technology, people are getting more and more attached to electric davices and gadgets, especially the new generation the are more and more comforted by new entertaining technologyes. I think that there should be a ballance between technology and outdoor activities. I definitly do think that perents should control their children from young age and limit their time on these electric devices.

  3. Many people argue, that parents should limit the amount of time that their children spend on their gadgets. I very much agree with this statement, because legally parents can control their children's actions until they, become 18 and can take care of themselves. Scientists and psychologists say that the healthy amount of use of internet is 1 hour, but only one or two teens will follow that rule, because nowadays teens use internet not only for communication, but also for entertainment, information etc.

    I disagree on these ideas: parents should trust teens, teens should be free, teens are old enough to be in control. I strongly disagree on these concepts, because I think parents should be the role models, the guidance that these young adults need to look up to. I met lots of teens, that have too much freedom and are aloud to do anything they want. The problem is that these teens and most of the teens don't know how to handle too much freedom and they mostly forget about school and focus on their image, their internet life. they become carefree, airheaded.
    first thing that teens should focus on is school work and education. Secondly maybe find a new hobby or make time for friends. write notes and plans for the day. be productive.
    In conclusion I think teens don't need way too much freedom and they should be controlled by their parents. Parents should minimize the time that their teens spend on the internet and maximize the time of being together.
