Friday, October 11, 2019


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Tick (ü) A, B, or C to complete the sentences.
Example: My parents _____ in China.
A  are born  c    B  were born  cü    C  was born  c
1   Anna’s in the kitchen. She _____ dinner.
     A  cooks  c    B  ’s cooking  c    C  will cook  c
2   I _____ to eat fresh vegetables – I don’t like frozen.
     A  prefers  c    B  ’m preferring  c    C  prefer  c
3   Today most people _____ on junk food.
     A  cuts down  c    B  are cutting down  c    C  is cutting down  c
4   It’s hot in here! _____ open the window?
     A  Will I  c    B  Shall I  c    C  Do I  c
5   He _____ swimming on Tuesdays.
     A  always goes  c    B  is always going  c    C  goes always  c
6   A  Is there anything on TV tonight?
     B  I don’t know. _____ in the paper.
     A  I’ll look  c    B  I’m going to look  c    C  I look  c
7   We _____ the cinema on Saturday. Would you like to come?
     A  will go to  c    B  go to  c    C  are going to  c
8   My brother _____ a job at the moment.
     A  isn’t having  c    B  won’t have  c    C  doesn’t have  c
9   I predict that you _____ marry someone rich and famous!
     A  are going  c    B  shall  c    C  should  c
10   We’re _____ about you at the moment, and we hope you’ll be home soon.
       A  believing  c    B  knowing  c    C  thinking  c
11   The traffic’s terrible. I _____ miss my train.
       A  will to  c    B  ’m going to  c    C  go to  c
12   A  _____ we order some salad?
       B  Good idea.
       A  Must  c    B  Will  c    C  Shall  c
13   Tom _____ arrives on time. He’s always late.
       A  never  c    B  sometimes  c    C  often  c
14   Where _____ you going on holiday this year?
       A  will  c    B  are  c    C  do  c
15   People’s characters _______ on their family background.
       A  are depending  c    B  depends  c    C  depend  c
16   What _____ next weekend?
       A  do you do  c    B  will do you  c    C  are you doing  c
17   I’m not ____ speak to Jason any more.
       A  will  c    B  going  c    C  going to  c
18   She _____ eats meat or fish. She’s a strict vegetarian.
       A  often  c    B  never  c    C  sometimes  c
19   How many cups of coffee _____ a day?
       A  do you drink  c    B  are you drinking  c    C  you drink  c

20   What _____ when he finishes university?
       A  is he going to do  c    B  does he do  c    C  he does  c

a   Tick (ü) A, B, or C to complete the sentences with food words.
Example: We had _____ chicken and vegetables for dinner last night.
A  grilled  cü    B  grill  c    C  grills  c
1   Beetroot and cabbage are types of _____.
     A  vegetables  c    B  fruit  c    C  meat  c
2   I love seafood, especially _____.
     A  chicken  c    B  duck  c    C  prawns  c
3   Food that isn’t cooked is _____.
     A  boiled  c    B  raw  c    C  fried  c
4   Can you pass me the _____ of milk, please?
     A  jar  c    B  carton  c    C  tin  c
5   This curry is really _____. It has lots of chillies in it.
     A  fresh  c    B  raw  c    C  spicy  c
6   We don’t like that restaurant because the service isn’t _____.
     A  fast  c    B  healthy  c    C  delicious  c
7   I don’t want to cook tonight. Let’s get a _____ from the Chinese restaurant.
     A  diet  c    B  takeaway  c    C  food  c
b   Tick (ü) the correct word(s) for the definitions, A, B, or C.
Example: a woman who marries someone with children
A  stepdaughter  c    B  mother-in-law  c    C  stepmother  cü
8   your grandfather’s / grandmother’s mother
     A  great-grandfather  c    B  great-grandmother  c    C  grandmother  c
9   the number of people born every year
     A  birth number  c    B  birth amount  c    C  birth rate  c
10   description of a family who keep in touch and help each other
       A  close  c    B  near  c    C  open  c
11   competition between two people, e.g. a brother and a sister
       A  attitude  c    B  rivalry  c    C  rebellion  c
12   relatives who aren’t immediate family
       A  close family  c    B  stepfamily  c    C  extended family  c
13   a child without brothers and sisters
       A  an only child  c    B  a single child  c    C  a one child  c
14   your sister’s / brother’s daughter
       A  nephew  c    B  cousin  c    C  niece  c
c   Tick (ü) the opposite adjective, A, B, or C.
Example: generous
A  bossy  c    B  mean  cü    C  spoilt  c
15   stupid
       A  clever  c    B  reliable  c    C  sensible  c
16   talkative
       A  quiet  c    B  bossy  c    C  moody  c
17   self-confident
       A  selfish  c    B  shy  c    C  jealous  c
18   honest
       A  inhonest  c    B  unhonest  c    C  dishonest  c
19   hard-working
       A  moody  c    B  lazy  c    C  sociable  c
20   patient
       A  inpatient  c    B  unpatient  c    C  impatient  c

1 comment:

    1 Read the article and tick () A, B, or C.
    While multi-generational living is normal in many cultures, in some countries such as Britain and the US, it isn’t very usual. However, homes where grandparents live with their children and their families in the same house are becoming more common in these countries because of the economic climate. Here, the members of one extended family explain how it works for them.
    Georgina – Anna’s grandmother
    I was really pleased when my son wanted to move back home. I love spending time with Anna, my granddaughter. She’s a lovely little girl at the minute – so happy and affectionate – everybody who meets her likes her. It will be wonderful to watch her grow up. I think even my unsociable husband is enjoying it! We eat together twice a week and, once a month, we have a family conference – my husband and I, my son and his wife – to discuss how things are going. We try to respect each other’s space. Having my son here makes me less anxious about the future, too. At the moment, we’re healthy, but in a few years we’re going to need more help.
    Esther – Anna’s mother
    Actually, it’s all working out well! My mother-in-law remembers what it’s like to have young children, so she’s very patient with Anna and sympathetic to me when I’m tired. She often just says: ‘Go and rest. I’ll look after her’. I think she wants to give advice about what Anna eats and what time she goes to bed, but she usually says nothing! And occasionally I ask her opinion and find her ideas are really sensible. We are all learning to be quite honest with each other, which I think is a good thing.
    Chris – Anna’s grandfather
    I prefer a quiet life and a tidy house, and I think young people should be independent, but my wife loves having the family here. From a selfish point of view, it’s good for me too because Georgina is quite talkative and now she can chat to her daughter-in-law. I think it’s a very satisfactory situation for everyone concerned!
    Alan – Anna’s father
    I was worried because my mother can be bossy, but actually, she is being sensitive and we’re lucky to have a reliable babysitter in the house! My dad is sometimes moody, but he’s very affectionate with Anna. We’re planning to buy our own house in a couple of years, but I think we’ll stay near my parents because the relationship between Anna and her grandparents is so special.
    Example: More people are living in extended families in Britain than before.
    A True  B False  C Doesn’t say 
    1 Georgina thinks that Anna is charming.
    A True  B False  C Doesn’t say 

    2 The family meets to talk about how they are getting on once a month.
    A True  B False  C Doesn’t say 
    3 Esther gets very impatient with Georgina because she talks a lot.
    A True  B False  C Doesn’t say 
    4 Chris is happy that Georgina has a good relationship with Esther.
    A True  B False  C Doesn’t say 
    5 Chris thinks that they need a bigger house.
    A True  B False  C Doesn’t say 
    6 Alan is always kind to his mother.
    A True  B False  C Doesn’t say 
    7 Alan says that they are going to live with his parents for many years.
    A True  B False  C Doesn’t say 

    2 Write G for Georgina, E for Esther, C for Chris, and A for Alan.
    Example: I was very happy about the family moving in. G
    1 I’m less worried about the future now. _____
    2 I’m not always very sociable. _____
    3 I think it’s good to be honest. _____
    4 We can enjoy going out sometimes. _____
    5 I’m quite bossy but I’m learning to be sensitive. _____
    6 I sometimes need a little advice. _____
    7 I love the relationship between the grandparents and their granddaughter. _____
    8 It’s good for young people to live alone. _____
