Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Academic Writing

Share your academic writing assignments below: 
you should read the essays and make a short comment on their opinions


  1. I think that I'm kind of people, who see half empty glass, but not a half full. I'm not always pessimistic, but often I imagine worst end of some activity or anything else. In this case most of people think I'm very dark person, this is half true.
    I'm artist person, so I want to improve my individual style of graphic arts. I also enjoy fighting with melee weapon, because in the past I was studying how to use one-handed sword and staff. I think that using melee weapon is some kind of art. When I have free time, I often play video games, because I enjoy this, it helps me in drawing, and for example I can imagine a lot of interesting thing that I saw in virtual reality. Also it is the best way to have fun with best friends.
    In the future I want to study computer graphics, because I believe, that it is my profession. I will start studying that, when I pass first course, although that sometimes I'm lazy.

    1. სიმონ გიორგაძე

    2. Simon, you are not a dark person, don't listen to them !!! (nini asiliani) :D

    3. I think it is interesting and I'm appreciate people who loves drawing. (sopo balkhamishvili)

    4. I think that "dark persons" as you have said can make value things an have big future as you :).

    5. Respect to all who loves drawing! Good luck Simon!

    6. I agree to Henry🎉 Good luck ❤

    7. In my opinion, you are not dark person and your plans are very interesting. Good luck in your profession and computer graphics is very wonderful occupation :)

  2. I think that I am more introvert than extrovert. I don't like noisy places, it's not comfortable for me, but I like having fun with friends. I think a lot and speak a little bit.
    When I have a free time, I watch movies, because in this way I have a chance to learn many interesting things. Also I read books, listen music and watch political news. I often walk and try to care about both physical and mental health.
    I often observe others behaviors and try to explain them. I try to criticize other seldom, because I consider, that every behavior has its reason. I have some plans for the future: I want to become a psychologist and work about educational problems.

    1. can you please tell me, which movie do you like most of all ? (nini asiliani)

    2. you're not a introvert, because it is more difficult thing. Trust me I have experience in this (simon giorgadze)

  3. It is difficult, to describe myself, but i will try...
    I am a sociable person, i like communication with different people, no matter from where are they.
    the most interesting for me is psychology of child and a long time i'm reading about it, watching movies. for example last film , which i saw was Capernaum, it's story about little boy, who has bad parents, but he is kind , generous and witty child.
    i always wanted to be succesful, but it not means i want to be a rich. it means,that i want to recording my songs, learn everything about music...
    a few months ago, one of the ebst composer in Georgia enter me in hi s group, i was so happy. now we are working on our songs.
    i don't have many close friends, i think it's difficult, to find a person for good friendship.
    So as i said , music is part of me, it's not my hobbie, my hobbie is to walk with my brothers and little sister, to read book and watch movies. The last book,, which i bought was History of Jazz, i really don't have much time to walking, or to watching movies, also i would like to travel, but i don't have enough money yet, because i'm working to create my own studio, i'll do everything for my dream, as it possible.

    1. I see that you do your best in sphere ,that you love and I like this. ^_^ (Simon Giorgadze)

    2. I think it's very interesting how you describe yourself <3 (Tatia Nizharadze)

    3. I think it is interesting ( sopo balkhamishvili )

    4. your last phrase was inspiring for me " I will do everything for my dreams"

  4. I don't know how I can talk about my personality, but I will try.
    I think that I am quite sociable person and I like it, because I love relationship with different people.
    Also, I have some close friends and I love spend time with them. we are often together and watch moves. last film which we saw was "A Star Is Born".
    I am studying at faculty of Psychology and I like it very much because I was always interested in psychology of humans.
    Most of people thinks that I am a little shy person and also they think that I am not open with them. But I don't agree with them.
    I can tell you more about myself that I am only child, but I always wanted to be brother or sister.
    I am not conflict person, I am direct with people and sometimes they don't like it.
    For my future, my dream is travel in many countries and get acquainted with their culture.

  5. I think that i'm happy and sociable person. I get on well with other people, I'm a good listener and i like communication with people.
    I love animals and nature, also I love spend time with family members and friends. When I have a free time, I'm watching films and drawing.
    I'm a very active person, but sometimes I'm lazy, because I'm often tired. I love Biology, because, I think that it's very interesting and important.
    I have some hobbies, like walking and hiking at a mountain, also reading books.

  6. Firstly,I don't like talk about myself because many people and also me, think that this action isn't pleasant, despite of,i try that talk about my personality now.
    i think that i am very positive every aspect of life,i love nature,animals especially dogs. i love very much people,like communication with their,i always try that finding common language with other persons, because i think that friendship is the most important thing in the world. i like think about everyone,think about dream,talk,listen. Also i like very much listening music, drawing,enjoy and fun with friends,especially playing guitar,when i am tired or bored i also try that play this instruments, because this help me that i will be happy the whole day.

    1. I'm absolutely agree with you! Talking about yourself isn't really a pleasant activity for me too.

    2. yes it is wery hard to speak about yourself,The Japanese say you have three faces. The first face, you show to the world. The second face, you show to your close friends, and your family. The third face, you never show anyone. It is the truest reflection of who you are.

  7. Self psychoanalysis is one of the most difficult topic for me. so I will try to be sincere. what is the most pleasure thing in your life? I think happiness. I have my smart tricks how to be happy person in every day routine. for example, when I become tired I always start doing my favorite things, dancing for myself helps me to feel relax and freedom.
    In the future I want to become a specials person, who lives not only herself, for helping people and doing some kindness. especially for children, because they are your futures and everything should be based on them. my goal is to become children`s right protector.
    In addition my big plan is travelling around the world and around the universe if it is possible. Travelling for me is the only one way to find yourselves and understand many secrets, where are your place and who are we.

  8. How to be happy person in every day routine? In my opinion your skill is very rare, so you can do big money if you start teaching others. (simon giorgadze)

  9. it is great comment, but i think that money is not always at the first stage, i need it but i don`t love it.

  10. I'm still learning about myself as time passes. It's not easy to describe myself, but I will try. I see myself as a responsible and a hard-working person.Responsibility is really important for me. I am a warm, caring, trustworthy for people close to me. I'm really in love with reading,Stefan Zweig is my favorite writer! listening to music is one of my hobbies.It gives me the energy! When I feel tired, I have always play the piano, "Moonlight sonata" is my favorite.I am also passionate about traveling,I hope that I will travel in Italy one day. This is everything about me, except this, I have nothing to say...

    1. salome,I completely agree with you,nowadays it's very pleasent that you are hard-working and responsible person because i think that this things are most valuable for nowadays and there are things which many people do not have.As for playing instruments. i think exactly the same because music and especially moonlight sonata is the best remedy for relaxation.

  11. It is difficult to descrabe myself, because I don,t like so, talk myself with everyone , but I will try…
    First, which I want to say is that I appreciate Sincerity people , who can Recognition mistake and be loyal in relathionship. I consider that in relantionship is important attention.. I didn,t like lier and people who thinks that they are more than someone, I didn,t respect them . psycology attracts me , I always interest with people . ididin,t think that I have many friends, good friends, its difficult for me to call friend, because I have many values, and not many people share. Every people is different and it,s difficult to find like you. I like listening music , becaouse I think , it brings emocion , it is part of life and you should feel. what i like in humans is eye, not becouse of colours,as thay say: The eyes are the mirror of the soul.i have seen some deeply eyes, whatching this is so interesting.

    1. *describe, *I'm interested in something, *listening to music, *because *they, *watching

  12. I think I am sociable, funny and positive person. I always try to find common language with other people that's why I get on well with other people but despite of this I don't have many close friends. I am studying at ilia state university, faculty of philology. I love math, music, nature, art and so on. I think that I have spatial and mathematical intelligence because I understand logic and for using numbers, also I remember things using colours and pictures. I also love dogs, cats but I think that they don't love me because they often bite me.
    I am a very active person. I have some hobbies, for example: swimming, reading and walking. I also love drawing, especially of eyes.
    My other hobby is dancing and laughing. How I said I am positive person and I think that for that I help so much laughing. But how everyone I have bad sides for example I am so stubborn.
    For my future, my dream is to be a successful person and help everyone, also open the shelter where everyone will be happy.

    1. In my opinion, you are very interesting person. Especially, i like, that your dream is to be successful person and help everybody.

    2. I believe, that you are already successful person Lika! Good luck with your plans!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. what can i say about my self, i am very emotional person , i can't hide happiness but i always try to hide my sadness, some people Do not see that . My hobby is singing and hiking , when i am on the stage i forget everything ,all the problems disappear , i love forests and mountains they make me feel better. i love be with my friends but when i am tired i love be alone with my mind, in free time i am reading the books, playng on guitar and singing, sometimes i am watching films. i have big family so i know what is calm , I don't like to be out of the comfort zone, so I try to stay ther but sometimes i force myself to leave,because not always happens that what you want, and if you want to develop you are obliged to go beyond your comfort zone.(eka)

    1. eka,i completely agree you, happiness is most important in the world and happiness is in everyone.from this-"i can't hide happiness but i always try to hide my sadness" this is very strong and favourite behaviour for me.

  15. I think, I am a quiet and serious person. I get on well with other people and they like me, because I am a good listener. Also, people are very well with me, because I have good sense of humour.

    My hobby is photography, however I am not professional photographer. Also, I want to learn many foreign languages, because I love traveling and my plan is travel around the world in the future. Especially, I want to traveling to Europe, because in my opinion, Europe is the most wonderful region in the world.

    To conclude, my main hobby and plan are travelling, because I am interested cultures of other countries and everybody have to see history and culture of other countries.

    1. Giga, you are very good and positive person. I believes you, you can do everything if you want. never give up. As for the topic, I think that it is very clever and well-formed, you established your topic very well. Good job ❤

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Thank you so much, Lika😍

    4. You are right Giga, Europe is the most wonderful region in the world. And I want to say you good luck with your plans!

  16. I think I am a half sociable person, sometimes serious and sometimes not so. I have logical-mathematical, spatial and intrapersonal intelligence. I prefer listening more than talking. But I can talk better with my art, then with my words, because I am a painter-illustrator and graphic designer.
    I have not a lot of close friends, because I think that if you have a hundred best friends you have not one. I love animals, especially cats. This is the reason why I have one fat black cat. :D Yes, I have a sense of humor.

    As you understand, I love art - especially visual art. I draw my entire life, as I remember myself, and I can't imagine my day, my life without art. It is not only the hobby, It is my job and my way. Also, I'm trying to take part in every challenge and contest, as much as it is possible. Every contest is a new experience for me, and each of them is improving my skills and mastery.

    What about my plans, I don't love to speak about my plans. Usually, I talk about them when I have already realized them.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Henry, your blog is very interesting and I know everything about you now. I think you are serious and clever person.
      And your occupation is the best😃 :D I hope, that we will be friends :)))
      Good luck in your job!

    3. Art is my one of them hobby. I think that it is good choice what you don't talk about your plans. Topic is really clever. Good luck, Henry😃❤

    4. Thank you for your feedbacks my dear friends! I am glad to hear your beautiful words! :D <3

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. It is difficult to descrabe myself, because I prefer listening more than talking, but I will try.
    My mother usually thinks I'm complicated and unstable. I agree with her on this. For some, life is either black or white. but the situation is different for the artist.All colors belong to the artist.
    .Yeah, I love painting and I want to devote my life to that. this is reflected in my life. I can make colors. When I'm squeezed from the red, I can get gray. so they think I'm unstable.
    I also like to be in nature and I can’t be without books.
    also, I like animals and I have a hamster. I treat them like a friend.
    I also love writing, dancing and playing the piano. and the only thing I'm consistent with is that I can listen to classical music for 7 hours a day.
    And finally , the most important thing in my life is freedom. (Tamari Jamaloghli)

  18. Hello everybody, we don't meet together often, so most of you don't know about me, so i think that essay will be interesting for you, that's not easy to say about yourself but i will try.
    We meet eachother seldom, because of my work 5/7 day i spent at wendy's and most my life is connected with it. I know that's not right but at this time i need this job.
    I am not very talkative person but at work every day i'm talking with many people, almost 200 or maybe more, so i need talk a lot and lot to be immediate
    with them. 😂At day off i can sleep a litle more as usually, but i try to do everything in this 2 days, study an meet to my friends. Of course to be a crew member isn't my life's plan. Am learning at biology faculty and after university i will work by my profession.
    With my close friends i'm so crazy, active and playful,we meet at our home, at cafe, cinema or shopping center. At classes or other new places i am talking less and listen more.

  19. Dear Students,

    Your paragraphs about your 'Personality'are pretty good!

    You have done peer review well!

  20. Hello. I am Vakho and I'm studying at arts and sciences faculty. I am working as many other students. Once in 4 days. All of us needs to work to pay for university. In my free time I study and meet my friends or play with my niece. She's only 3 months and she's very cute and nice. I don't know what profession I wil choose inf future. I am working at Autopapa's security. I like my work very much, because I like cars too.

  21. Hello, I'm Tamar Darbaidze. In my opinion, I am an energy, responsible, cheerful, pessimist and sometimes rough, careless. I'm going to be a teacher in the future. I think this is a very interesting and pleasant profession but it is quite tiring and difficult. I am also very interested in Georgian art, specifically with the theater. I often visit a variety of theater and cinema. This is my hobby and at the same time job. I also like to spend free time with my friends, reading books and listening to music, watching movies and performances.
