Monday, November 16, 2020

Success and Failure


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1. Success: How Do We Measure Up?
2.On the Road to Success
3.A Matter of Failure Turned Successful
4. What is success to you? 
5.  The reasons why failure is a part of success
6.  The factors that are affecting the success

Factors that assist  the success 

8. B

arriers that hinder the success


  1. The reasons why failure is a part of success,people about this have different opinions and sights. From my point of view failure is a part of success for a number of reasons
    The first and most important reason is that when people fail they get motivated and they work even harder to achive their goals,failure is life's greatest teacher,failure brings the opportunity to learn things even better it helps us in learning on mistakes,it also helps us to find different solutions for different problems.
    Second reason is that failure makes us human because it hurts our ego a positive attitude toward failure humbles us and helps us in evaluating the situation better,to be successful we have to accept our mistakes,evaluate,learn and move on.
    To sum up,failling will happen,no mattare how hard we will try to avoid it this doesnt mean that you should expect to fail,but when it happens we should accept it.we have many things to learn from the epic journyes towards success that are filled with trials so we have to stand tight and dont give up.

  2. 7. Factors that assist the success
    Definition of success can be different for each person, but the ways to achieve it are mostly the same. In my point of view, to be successful you need to be:
    First of all, hard-working, because when you do your best, it helps you to reach your goals. Without this, people won’t be able to achieve anything.
    Secondly, you need to be passionate about what you are doing, because when your heart beats for a certain reason, you are undefeatable. What I am trying to say is that passion is a guarantee that you will still preserve when things get tough and will not stop until you became successful.
    Thirdly, motivated, because if you can motivate yourself well, nothing will stop you. But you also need to be courageous, because on your way to success you often have to make decisions that are difficult, so if you are not courageous you may give up and lost hope.
    Fourthly, patient, because “Good things come to those who wait”. With a little patience, you can be much more successful in the long run. Be prepared to wait a little longer for success. If you can’t wait and want everything to happen fast, you may give up too early.
    And the last, but not least, sure of yourself, because in this way, you can do everything. When you have faith in yourself you are unstoppable.
    To sum up, there is many factors that assist the success, but, in my opinion, the factors mentioned above are the most important.

  3. 2.On the Road to Success
    ''The key to success is steady faith and a clear vision, to make any dream come true'' -Linda Bradford Raschke.
    Success, we hear this word everywhere and always, in personal life or at work. We can find many explanations for this word, success is therefore defined by different measures. In the general sense, success can be considered as full accomplishment of all goals, which can bring personal growth to a person. People call success making a lot of money, making a name for themselves and living a life of fame. In my opinion, all this alone does not determine success in one’s career or personal life. And yet what is it that should bring us success?
    I want to express my modest view on the formula for success. Success is a set of personal abilities and skills of who you are and what you can do. The development of these intangible assets determines a person’s success, and it’s all nothing but diligence, faith and hard work.
    Set a goal, believe in yourself and you will overcome everything, when you start paving the way to success, you will face many obstacles and you should be ready for them!. Have to be ready to fall and then rise and achieve the goal. Set a target and fight for it, each push will give you strength.

  4. Barriers that hinder the success
    There is no doubt that everyone wants to be successful. However, not many can achieve it. And this raises the big question – what hinders the success from people?
    First of all, it is crucial to realize that in order to be successful people should have their goals and most importantly they should believe in their dreams. Most of the time people look around them, they look at others and they are discouraged to follow their dreams. They think that their goals cannot be achieved and, thus, give up on trying to become successful.
    On the other hand, there are people who are very motivated to follow their dreams until they face failure. And that is their end point. Those people don’t know how to overcome failure, so, they give up. They do not know that failure is a part of success.
    To sum up all the above mentioned, I believe that there can be a lot of barriers that hinder success from us. Not believing in our dreams and not seeing failure as a part of success are two of those barriers.
    Gvantsa Khakhiashvili

  5. 6. The factors that are affecting the success
    The idea of success has crossed everyone’s mind at least once in their lifetime. Some even have plans on how to achieve it by a certain age. But, there are many reasons that can interfere with your success, such as not having motivation, not being dedicated to your work or loosening your attention too much.
    First and foremost, not having motivation may be the reason that stands in your way of success. Losing hope may lead to losing motivation, hence, you won’t be able to do your best at job. Motivation gives you a possibility to continue working even when you are not feeling like doing it. In addition, it’s of utmost importance to be dedicated to your job. Even when your co-workers are out of order, you have to take responsibility into your own hands to show your abilities.
    Furthermore, it’s also important not to be distracted and to fully concentrate on maintaining the success you’ve already achieved. some may argue that achieving success is the hardest, however, as I’ve recently learned, maintaining it may be even harder.
    In conclusion, losing motivation and dedication, or not paying enough attention when you’re vulnerable are the factors that may affect your success.

  6. Everyone wants to have a successful life and dreams about it every day. Every person has his own way to the top and as a rule, the difficulty of these ways can totally differ from each other, because it depends on determination and abilities of the person, however, there are special factors which can assist the success without relying on personal skills. We must keep in mind that passion about making your dream come true is essential, its a guarantee that you will still persevere even after things will get tough. Another factor which will help you to become successful is the support from your surroundings because the feeling that you are not alone and you have the option to rely on someone makes you much more confident than ever and gives you the opportunity to push forward without fear of the future. Successfulness is impossible without motivation it is what lets you keep going and if you can motivate yourself well, nothing will stop you. Last but not least is luck, you can be the smartest person on the Earth with amazing ideas which can change the whole world, however, it will be harder or even impossible to become successful without a little bit of fortune because there are factors which just cant be anticipated and the only thing that can deal with them is luck.

  7. On the road to success
    We always strive to be more successful in our life or career and that’s a good quality when running a company. In considering the road to success, one has to first come to understand that failure is the part of the equation, “mistakes aren’t a problem, but not taking the opportunity to learn from them is.” In every mistake there is a potential for growth. You do not want to make the same mistake a second time so you make sure to handle the situation differently next time. Each time we are knocked down by the circumstances of life, we have an important decision to make, you can choose to get up and keep trying, or to give up and stay down and out. In my opinion, it’s important that you became comfortable with failure if you want to seek out real success, because each failure becomes something valuable for the individual who is looking to walk down the road towards success. The next important aspect to consider when contemplating the road to success is to not just focus on your end goal throughout that process of pursuit. I think the biggest mistake people make is that they spend too much time looking ahead and not enough time enjoying the moments in their life as they pass them by. And the last but not least, one of the biggest issues that many have as they walk down the road in pursuit of success, is that they burn out over time, it can be very easy to start towards a goal with immense passion and energy, but life often steps in and leads to demotivation and distraction, this means that it is the key that you always stay in motion in pursuit of those goals, because if you aren’t moving forward, than you’re surely moving backwards. You should understand that as long as you’re taking steps towards that success, even if they’re baby steps, you’re still making progress.

  8. Factors that assist the success
    Different people would respond to this issue based on their personal beliefs , background and education. I personally totally support the idea that success and failure go hand in hand. Success is something that you have to define for yourself , and no one can do it for you. It could mean being able to do the things you love. But is there success without failure ? Failure and mistakes are a part of every decision-making process. We need to understand them , learn from them and move on. There are factors that assist the success.
    First and foremost, one of the most important factors is education. prepared to continue learning and accept advice and information from others. Education is the main companion of our life. We need to find ourselves in this world, and the best solution is to deepen our knowledge. This is another step towards the success.
    Furthermore ,patience is another factor to move forward. “Good things come to those who wait” Be prepared to wait a little longer for success. That will make it possible for you to approach decisions with a much greater foresight.
    The last but most important is failure. Failure is an inseparable part of success. It is impossible to be successful without a small failure. Analyzing failure and focusing on mistakes contributes to our growth. Once you have worked out what went wrong and why, then stop looking back and look ahead.
    Taking all the above mentioned into consideration, I do believe that success is not a one-way street. It Is a continuous journey. We need to keep following these factors find them because that is not only how we achieve success, it is how we sustain it.

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  10. The reasons why failure is a part of success
    It is undeniable, that the role of failure in success is one of the most debated issues in the modern world. I personally support the idea that failure is one of the main factors for being successful. Consequently, it plays the biggest role in developing your life.
    First and foremost, failure is the greatest life lesson. it teaches you how to stand up after a fall, how to behave, or what to improve. it will in every person's life, the main thing is to admit it and use maximum forces against it. This does not mean you should expect to fail, but when it happens accept it.
    One of the best illustrations of the argument could be Ralph Heath's view about this case: “The quickest road to success is to possess an attitude toward failure of ‘no fear’”
    Furthermore, the scientific basis could be regarded as an argument in favor of my point of view. Namely, the fact that failure strengthens you. Failure is not a step backwards, it is the step to success. Names like J.K Rowling, Bill Gates, or Walt Disney are the most successful people after their hard failures.
    For instance, a recent study which has been conducted by the Cambridge University has shown that 87% of people believe that failure is the best motivation for success.
    In a nutshell, Success is reached not only by knowledge, money, or character, but also by failure. I do acknowledge that if I put myself in the shoes of the people, who disagree with me, I would understand their choice better.

  11. The reasons why failure is a part of the success
    In today's’ circumstances many strive to be on top of the world. However, most think that this process is a one-way road which eventually ends with us being successful. Obviously, it’s a matter of an approach one follows and believes in, but many don’t acknowledge the real basis of success. Failure, as painful as it sounds, plays a vital role in defining success and is an inevitable procedure which concludes abilities in critical times.
    A lucrative person constantly goes through struggles, as it’s a part of a huge phenomenon called success. When it comes to failure people are quick to refer to it as a negative, destructive thing. What they don’t see is a future potential of gaining new skills, perspectives, information. By failing we discover new aspects of the road we tend to follow. “Failure is simply an opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently” – said Henry Ford. Considering these words failure makes us improve, redevelop, restart our way of thinking and, simultaneously, back up even stronger. Failure is a source of motivation that helps us through hardship. You cannot overcome an obstacle if you have no clue how to do it. Through failure, people learn and own up to their mistakes.
    Reshaping success is hard to process, but it makes the foundation even more fundamental. In conclusion, it offers a great lesson which is individually experienced. As a part of success, I reckon that failure opens up something extraordinary that empowers and motivates people.

  12. 5. Everyone wants to succeed and be first in their work,but very few of them fight for it.If we look at the lives of successful people,we will see that they have failed many times,but that failure didn’t stop them,they achieved desired goal. For some reason most people think that behind every successful person,there is only a careless life,in fact they had to go through a lot of ostacles and failures before reaching the peak.
    We are taught from a young age, that failing is bad and something to fear.I Everyone is scared of failing when it comes to going after their big goals and dreams.But all of us should understand that,it’s not true. Falling is not bad,on the contrary it’s really good. Why? Because after the failure we are more inspired to reach our goals,have a desire to move forward.
    For example you lose your job.Don’t worry about it.Because losing job gives you an awareness and an aliveness you don’t get when you have that job. It forces you to tune in to what you truly want in your career.You should embrace failure and see it as a stepping stone on the way to success. Failing is an inevitable part of creating your destiny, and it encourages you to follow your biggest dreams. You have nothing to lose. After learning to deal with disappointment, you will know that persistence and dedication to your goals will eventually be rewarded. All of us sould realize that failure is temporary and failure is good even if it feels really bad when it happens. When something goes wrong, we need to learn to say, "Something good is happening here. Look for the greater message of the experience and expect it to, eventually, turn out for the good. We must take a leap, take calculated risks and be patient for the results. We don’t need to have everything worked our. In order to reach the next level in life business you have to take some risks.
    Always remember that the most successful people are those,who have the most failures.” You can’t win unless you learn how to lose.”
